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How to use Doyouall websites

Drag and Drop

Our websites use HTML5 and JavaScript Drag and Drop technology for the graphical management of content.
Translated Drag and Drop means "drag and drop" and allows you to create graphical content, drag and drop it with the mouse and position it on your website page.
The customisations are endless and the most varied, now it' s just up to your imagination!


The website content management is carried out through the CMS (content management system) or "content management system" a software that allows you to create and manage non-graphical website content, such as products, news, events, content of the forms, etc. ...
The software does not require any knowledge of programming and adding content is very straightforward.


Doyouall websites can be customised and enhanced with Modules, specifically created to meet the multiple and increasingly specific needs of our customers. The Modules allow the management of a wide range of content such as Products, Travels, Accommodations, Hotels, Property listings, Car listings, Events, etc.. or the management of appointments and bookings both on an hourly and daily basis, hotel reservations, car and other rentals.

Online Booking

The Booking Form is designed for those who work in the tourism sector. It allows the management of hotel reservations, holidays and events.
The Booking Form for Accommodation Facilities allows the booking of hotel packages according to the number of people (adl/chd), residence packages according to the apartment, packages/offers according to the period and bookings according to the number of beds for Hostels.
The management of rooms and room types is unlimited. The software allows the management of periods, prices, discounts, extras, releases, taxes, payment methods, reservations, quotes, invoices, vouchers and customer data. In addition, the Booking Form can be upgraded to the Portal Form for the direct management by the accommodation facilities of their web space and online bookings.

Travel Online Booking

The Travels Booking Form allows you to list and manage your Holidays, Offers, Package tours, etc. and receive online bookings from online users. Management and listing of unlimited Holidays.

Mobile website

Doyouall websites include the Mobile "responsive" version: websites that automatically adapt to the resolution of the mobile devices used to access them.
The Mobile version includes content management software, independent of the parent website.
The Mobile version is completely self-managing, allowing the deactivation of existing content and the creation of new content.